Gay romance fiction

Blurbs & Pitches

mortar & pestlea promo workshop for genre authors

  • Format: available in lengths from one to six hours.
  • Technical requirements: projector/screen if available.


Class Blurb:

Selling Your Story with Damon Suede

Does your marketing copy earn its keep? This one/two hour session tackles the wild, woolly world of pitches and explore the way a high concept premise can anchor a project before and during the writing process. We’ll drill down into the challenges of summarizing your story’s strongest selling point. We'll unpack the knack of crafting a clear hook, a free prize, and boiling a project into a logline that closes the sale, before and after publication.



Class Description:

success graphSelling Your Story hits loglines and blurbs head-on with a hard look at the language of hooks and high concept. You'll learn to summarize any project with words that pack a punch and close the sale, before and after publication. Every attendee with leave with dynamic language that sells their stories via

  • basic promo copy tools
  • the utility fo a Pixar pitch to encapsulate action
  • a customized logline kit
  • blurb templates

Many authors loathe the process of pitching their projects, but with a few simple tools anyone can convey the heart of their story as a marketable package. Join screenwriter and novelist Damon Suede for an hands-on laboratory to cook up the promo copy that will close the sale and find the right readers.


  • marketing copy tricks, tips, and guidelines
  • a Pixar pitch
  • a pitch-and-query-friendly logline
  • a customized blurb that conveys the emotions and hook of a project
  • a value prop for your project(s)


 "For an endless moment, Runt imagined the crooked corporation had folded and they’d been forgotten, laughing and living together under these perfect suns, waiting for wives that would never come, happily hunting fresh meat at the sharp edge of the galaxy." (Grown Men - D. Suede)

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Recommended reading:

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"No one deserves to be punished for loving with an open heart." (Hot Head - D. Suede)

If you'd like to book Damon to come present a workshop for your group or chapter, just give a holler.